April 2020

We (I am) are healthy and fit and our immune systems are at the optimal level of vitality. We make choices that support our physical, emotional and spiritual bodies.

Intentions Dashboard

Jennifer’s April New Moon Intentions:

Sell TwirlerWorld and Develop it with WoW.

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Melissa’s April New Moon Intentions:

a w a i t i n g   i n t e n t i o n s


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Diandra’s April New Moon Intentions:

I AM crafting a life that is creative, fulfilling, highly compensated and joyful, while returning my body to its default setting of health and high performance

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Mary’s April New Moon Intentions:

πŸ’  I continue with getting online/on camera in multiple platforms and sharing my wisdom and experience. I am supported in all ways with this. I take inspired and effective action and get my classes and offerings online immediately, so that I can serve others and be self supporting.πŸ’ 

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Mae’s April New Moon Intentions:

To become more and more aware of my thoughts and MASTER MY AWARENESS.

Trust and allow my INNER BEING to reveal MY STEPS for the next GREAT VISION for being, projecting, and expressing WHO I AM.

Stay CONNECTED TO SOURCE and receive the knowledge, wisdom, love, and POWER to live MY BEST AND HIGHEST LIFE EVER ON MY TERMS!!!

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ZoΓ«’s’s April New Moon Intention:

❀️ 🧿 Theme = Keep it simple / Plan ahead / Embrace imperfect action.

🧿 Schedule my tasks for the week and for each day – Keep it simple so I can stay focused / on task. I embrace imperfect action which moves me forward

🧿 This month I outline the plan to organize my computer such that I aggressively lighten my mailbox and make it manageable, clear up duplicate files so that I know where to find all the fascinating notes and ideas I have documented. I can find what I am looking for in a pinch!
