June 2020

The Shamanic ally for June is: The Turtle.

The turtle is responsible for your evolution on the physical plane.
Turtle energy enables you to be more grounded.
Turtle energy allows you to pace yourself in a manner that makes you more productive.
The turtle spirit guide asks you not to burn your energies unnecessarily. Take measured steps that allow you to conserve your energy.
This way, you’ll have the confidence to make it to the next stage.

Intentions Dashboard

Jennifer’s June New Moon Intentions:

Sell TwirlerWorld
Keep getting more πŸŒŸβ€™s πŸ˜‰
Connections and protections and healing for Lil
A great birthday weekend for my son
Continued Joy for my oldest

πŸ’ƒπŸ½ πŸ‘‘ πŸ₯‡

Melissa’s June New Moon Intentions:

I effortlessly complete outstanding videos for work! People love them and find them tremendously helpful. This positive energy at work inspires easy completion of organization projects at home. Creating clear bright energy to celebrate the joys of summer.


πŸŽ„ πŸš— 🎏 🏑

Diandra’s June New Moon Intentions:

I Am crafting a life that is joyful, creative, fulfilling, in service, and highly compensated while setting myself on a course for my healthiest body.

πŸ₯‘ πŸ“’ ✍🏼 πŸ’΅

Mary’s June New Moon Intentions:

πŸ’  I get online/ on camera on multiple platforms and have big fun with this & it’s easy for me! (my classes, about the Healy & my Art of Living Beautifully series). Sharing my gifts with others!
I have clarity & take inspired action and enjoy the magical unfoldment of it all!

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Mae’s June New Moon Intentions:

To become more and more aware of my thoughts and MASTER MY AWARENESS.

a w a i t i n g mae i n t e n t i o n s Anything else, High Priestess of LUV, Mae??

πŸ• ❀️ πŸ¦‹

ZoΓ«’s June New Moon Intention:

❀️ 🧿 Theme = Keep it simple / Visit and re-visit the Present / I Am Connected / Smile & Laugh

🧿 Rather than focusing on creating and sticking to granular (dare i say draconian!) routine, I choose to make a list of the items I want to accomplish, hang it on my wall, in FULL DAILY VIEW, and give myself this month to accomplish them whenever and however I choose. Partial accomplishment is great!…so long as I take regular / consistent loving patient kind steps toward.
